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17 January 2016

Letter Of A Dying Soul

Guest Post From 'Kemy Austine'

Dear Dad, sincere apologies for the shame I brought to your hitherto “well-meaning family.” 

Sorry for the times I was a source of shame, and the black sheep of your family.

Sorry for the beatings I gave to you when you accosted me. Sorry for the abuses I rendered on you, when you corrected me!

Sorry for squandering your money in your quest to educate me. Sorry for selling off your properties in pursuit of wealth. Sorry for being your 'Child’!

Dear Mum, sorry for making God look weak by not changing my attitude, even with your constant prayers.

Sorry for the times I made you a laughing stock in the market places.  Sorry for not allowing you to save a penny for yourself, even your safest bank (the helm of your wrapper), was wrecked.

Sorry for constantly invading your kitchen with those hooligans after a drinking spree. Sorry for making your eyes an ever flowing stream of tears!

My dear siblings, sorry for being the prodigal child. Sorry for making our home a constant war front.

Sorry for the many times I starved you. Sorry for the many times I bullied you. Sorry for making you friendless. Sorry for turning our room to a drinking parlour and a smoking ground.

Sorry for making our parents unable to educate you. Sorry for putting such great grieve in your soul!

My dear friends, (especially Quintex), sorry for making you kill (abort). Sorry for the times I had betrayed your trust.
Sorry for the times I visited your homes and made your parents accuse you of theft.

Sorry for the times I exiled you from your homes by policemen due to the crimes I committed. Sorry for distracting your academic cum moral upbringing.

Sorry for luring you to use your church offerings for ice cream and biscuits. Sorry for the life of gambling. Sorry for ruining your future!

Dear co – workers, sorry for the quarrels you have received on my behalf.
Sorry for the haphazard ways I carried out my duties.  Sorry for the negligence.

Sorry for the calumny I did spread about you. Sorry for the times I made you unfaithful to your spouses.

Sorry for the times I made you lie by “covering me up.” Sorry for making you offend God. Sorry for being a destructor rather than a co – builder! 

And finally dear God, sorry for making your ministers seem useless. Sorry for the times I harassed some. Really sorry for the times I robbed some.

Sorry for the difficulties I have made your creatures pass through; I had made many orphans, some widows, others widowers.

I had made many hungry, some naked and many others wanderers! Sorry for being a disappointing creature. I beg for mercy and pardon!!!
                                               Dying Soul

George Bernard Shaw was asked on his death bed, “What would you do if you could live your life over again?"

He reflected, then replied with a deep sigh: “I’d like to be the person I could have been but never was!”

You have a chance of living, the reason you are reading this piece! It is not your right, it is a privilege!

If any sentence of the above letter reflects you, thank God you are living – you have a chance to change.

The tragedy of life, said Norman Cousin, is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we lived.

I dare to add “the worst thing you could ever let die inside you is your conscience – thanks to God, it can never die. But don’t let it get numb, disoriented or emotionless".

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