
22 June 2016

It Starts With Curiosity - Part 5

She took great precautions and never kept late nights. She was always with a book whenever any of her family members walked into her room. She deleted the browse

history from her phone and told herself that no one would ever know the real her, except her friends and the men.

The men never used condoms, but they paid her exorbitantly and bought her gifts. At eighteen, she owned an offshore account which none of her family members knew about. She never failed to use contraceptives, but whenever she forgot, she'd take a pregnancy test after one or two months. She had a constant doctor who was one of her customers. Her stand-by doctor performed numerous abortions on her whenever she 'mistakenly' got pregnant.

Nothing pleased her more than getting high on a wrapped blunt and bottles of hard liquor. She got so good at her game that she was the leader of the pack. She was no longer the naive girl her friends had made a mockery of. She was the one who hooked up her friends with well-to-do businessmen. She was the one who got 30% discounts on every man she hooked up her friends with. As she had promised herself, she finally did beat them at their own game.

Years swiftly rolled by. She had made huge amount of money from her 'business'.  Hiding behind the veil of a trader, her cover-up was easy. Each time she was seen in the company of men, she said they were her customers. Well, they were truly her customers; people just didn't know what kind of customers they were.

She was a chorister and made donations to charity organizations. She supported church projects and built shelters for stranded children. She impressed people and was thought of as a saint. She was the Madonna of her time.

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It Starts With Curiosity - Part 4 


It Starts With Curiosity - Part 3 

It Starts With Curiosity - Part 2 

Good Music Soothes 

It Starts With Curiosity - Part 1