
18 June 2016

It Starts With Curiosity - Part 1

All of it was overwhelming for her; the thrills, the anxieties. Her body was fast developing. She could stand in front of the mirror admiring herself for hours. She wanted to be
sure she knew herself. Her body had began to bear resemblance to the older females around her and she was pleased.

She didn't understand why the sizes of body parts differed among women. However, she wanted hers to be inbetween large and small; moderate would define it. At adolescence, she already knew what she wanted.

It didn't matter that some parts of the adults were more bigger than hers. Deep within her, she consoled herself that she'd get 'there' one day.

Boys teased her. When she walked on the street, heads rolled. She didn't care how they whistled at her, as if they hooted at a hawker. For her, boys liked her; that was all her concern. 

She was more developed than most of her peers and she took pride in that. She and her friends used to compare their sizes and shapes. Well, she always came out on top.

She didn't know why she enjoyed the company of boys. It was probably because they seemed to understand her, compared to her female counterparts. Around boys, she felt whole.

She loved to sit on the thighs of men who came to visit her elder sisters; she liked it there. Most of these men rocked her subtly as she sat on their thighs. She could feel the bulge of something in-between their thighs; she wasn't sure what it was.

She wanted to talk about it with her sisters, but she was scared they might tell her to stay away from those men; she couldn't risk that. Leaning on their broad chests, she could feel the heat they exuded. Oh, she loved it. The best part was that these men often brought her gifts.

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Come To Me In My Dreams 

The Zeal To Feel Among 


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