
17 November 2015

Free Me

Co-written by Octobias Obie and Yakky Adams

You stripped off my happiness,
And showed off your cruelty.
You took off my clothes,
And brought shame to me.
Tears hung on my eyelashes,
Ashamed to hit the floor.

Every time, you dress me in
Your imagination to please you.
You strip off my joy, my peace,
My health and my heart.
Oh! You took everything and
Left me empty,  without a soul.

The moonlight can't stop taking
Pictures of me, crying alone.
You use words that please you,
You display me to the public.
How could you do that?
I thought I was your best friend.

You stripped off my personality,
You stripped off my dignity.
I can barely recognize myself.
I'm crying for my freedom.
Free me,  and free me in deed;
Let me speak for myself.

About The Authors 
Octobias Obie is a South African writer, who focuses on poems and short stories. His themes include  love and abuse. Octobias enjoys listening to music.
Visit Octobias Facebook Page Now For More Of His Works.

Yakky Adams
Me? Well,  I'm a random muser. Every published work here is written by me, except stated otherwise.
Visit My Facebook Page Now For More Of My Musings.

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