
22 November 2015

Do You Think God Cares?

Guest Post From Evangelist Charles Fordjour

People ask themselves whether God still cares about their lives. People wonder why some claim that God cares, yet go through all sorts of problems in their lives. There are a thousand and more questions that some people ask and battle within themselves.

Why has that happened to me or that person, if God still cares about us? Has God not seen what I am going through? Is He not worried that I am loosing it? Has He no love for me anymore? And many more questions.

But beloved, let me assure you that God cares and loves you so much beyond measures. Our ways and thoughts are not like His.

First and foremost, see how God made man. He said, let's make man in Our image and likeness. He took the dust of the earth, formed man, breathed into his nostrils and the man became a living soul.

Even angels are not able to understand why God cares so much for humans even in our weakness and unfaithfulness. This was what they had to say, "who is man that you are so mindful of him."

"Mindful of" here means God is always thinking about you. Can you say that the Supreme Being always thinking about you doesn't  care?

A person may say that the thoughts will not always be positive. Alright, this is what God has to tell you concerning that, "I know the thoughts I have towards you, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and hope." Wow, could this be a negative thinker?

Again, Jesus said, "I came that you may have life and have it more abundantly". This is beyond what any person can offer you.

Yes, God cares. God's love for you is beyond measures. Stay close to Him and you will never regret doing so. Enjoy your Sunday.

About The Author
An Evangelist from Great Commission Academy of Ghana, he is a prolific and passionate writer. His works are mostly based on Christianity and lifestyle. Evangelist Charles Fordjour is a product of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. And he recently got married.
You can connect with him on Facebook.