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4 July 2016

It Starts With Curiosity - Finale

Right there in the center of the room hung her cadaver, suspended by a rope. He stared at it incredulously and rushed to bring it down.
He checked for her breathing just to be sure, but it was too late; she had given up the ghost. He clung to her lifeless body and sobbed uncontrollably.

He couldn't understand what had happened.   Was it suicide? Was it homicide? Whichever of the two it was, why then? Why did it have to betide just when they had turned a new page? Their marriage hadn't been an open and shut case, but it was on the verge of being redressed.

He was about to call her Momma, when he saw his phone strategically placed atop a big brown envelope. Written on the back of the envelope were the words - 'Please, open me in the presence of our family members.' He was tempted to open the envelope before other people arrived, but the envelope had been sealed.

He was perplexed and his thoughts ran wild. Who placed the envelope there? Was the envelope from her? What was the content of the envelope? He couldn't believe that she was really dead. It was like a bad dream and he repeatedly tried pinching himself to reality. However, the pinches only lead to sore skin and he was still stuck in the same situation.

He brooded about the envelope and feared the content. What almost drove him nuts was how he had to break the news of her death to everyone simultaneously. In addition to that, he also had to tell them about the bizarre envelope he had found. This was a heavy yoke on his heart, but he knew he had to bear it. After pacing for about half an hour, he decided to place phone calls to all family members.

By the time everyone arrived, it was almost dawn. Questions were raised and eyes were cried out. The atmosphere was dreary and they were grief-stricken. They all thought her Momma was going to instantaneously drop dead. She laid on the floor wailful and muttered words which nobody understood. They comforted each other, because there was nobody else to comfort them. 

They proceeded to unseal the envelope. Upon opening it, they found an epistle embedded in it. The epistle was addressed to 'all' and signed by her. From its appearance, it was a long epistle and the educated ones among them took turns to read it.  She told them the kind of lifestyle she had lived, narrated everything from when the men used to lap her to the type of business she really did. She told them that she wasn't able to bear children because she had committed numerous abortions.

She stated that she couldn't have brought herself to tell them the truth to their faces. She told them about the dreams she used to have and how she snuck out at night to see men. She told them about the rich druglords and her faked Christianity.

She wrote that what she really meant by her promise to become a good wife, sister, daughter and daughter-in-law was to confess everything to them. To her, the checkup she promised to go for was an emotional one, not a medical one. She had gone for an emotional checkup with herself and arrived at this conclusion. She however apologized that she did so in death, reason being that she couldn't bear the guilt of looking them in their eyes. She begged for their forgiveness and wished to rest in peace.

Photo source :

The Sound Of Your Name 


Money And You 

When You Succeed... 

My Head 

It Starts With Curiosity - Part 9 

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