
28 November 2015

Comfort In The Rain

Guest Post From Emediong Akpan

Though the house holds all the comforts, only in the outside world, can the brand be sold for a name.

It feels fine while it rains, with you tucked in your bed. But what buys the bed? The idea in your head? No!

The billboard in the rain buys the bed. If you keep your business within the four walls of your room -

A name in the household you get. However, if you put it in the public domain, a household name it becomes.

The rise, the reign, and the ruin of your business - these are all in your hands to decide.

An idea does not save the world, if it is locked up in a room. You only get comfort in the rain.

Previous Post By Emediong Akpan
My Society 

About The Author
Emediong Akpan
Emediong Akpan is an ardent writer and thinker. Inspired by tribulations, he writes to keep himself sane. 

Comfort In The Rain is his second guest post. His first guest post, My Society, is currently second on the list of the most read posts on this blog, topped by my article, The 21st Century Society.

You can connect with Emediong on BBM - 56478BC1