
14 June 2016

The Prophet - Finale

'Take your daughter and get out of my house.' Those were the words that flew out of my aunt's mouth. 

Momma immediately went down on her knees and started crying, while she pleaded with my aunt. 

'Udy, my daughter isn't a thief. Please, carefully look into the matter. You know I don't have the means to take care of her.'

'Annie called when I was at work to inform me that she caught your daughter stealing money from my jewelry box...'

'No, that's not true', I cut my aunt short. 'It was I that caught Annie stealing money from your jewelry box.' 

I guess that really pissed off my aunt because she gave me a resounding slap. Momma's pleas feel on deaf ears. The prophet was comfortably seated there, quiet throughout. I turned to Annie and hoped she'd say the truth, but she didn't. 

My aunt eventually threw Momma and I out of her house, after she had threatened to call the police for us. I was grateful that Momma believed me. As I walked out of the house, my prayer was that Annie should keep on stealing from my aunt. 

Maybe if that happens, the prophet will accuse my aunt of stealing from herself. Or maybe by then, the prophet's vision would be very clear. You understand what I'm saying? 

Photo source :

The Prophet - Part 1 

The Prophet - Part 2 

The Prophet - Part 3 

The Prophet - Part 4 

Sorry I Was Born This Way Dad 

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