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14 May 2016

I Will Not Marry A Poor Man

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I will not marry a poor man.
Unless I am rich.
Unless there is a means of survival. Not only for both of us, but for our unborn kids.
No, I will not marry a poor man.

There are enough children drowning in abject poverty. And I'm not willing to contribute to the slightest increase of that number. I'm just not wired that way.

Love conquers all, right? So, I should marry a man because I love him, even when I'm not sure how we'll put food on the table?

With love, all things are possible. That's okay.
But, will love take care of our children? Does love pay bills? Does love provide clothes? Does love provide money?

Call me materialistic. But, marrying a poor man simply because you love him is selfish. Extremely selfish. You are thinking of that particular point in time.

Have you thought about your unborn children? Wait. Do you even know how you'll take care of yourself when you're pregnant? 

Will love buy the necessary drugs for you to take and stay healthy? You. You and the baby.
Will love buy diapers? Will love send the child to school? 

If you're planning to bring a child into this world to come and suffer, you really need to examine yourself.

That doesn't mean I'll run off and marry a rich man. If we really want to be together, we can put the marriage on hold and hustle. 

Why would you even think of marriage when you can barely provide for yourself?

At least, if I'm rich and I really love you, I can fix you up with something to do. That way, we both bring what we have to the table.