
7 October 2015

Wasted Efforts

That feeling of your
Efforts being in vain.
You try so  hard, but
All your efforts are
Thrown to the wind.

You see the broken
Pieces of your efforts
Floating in mid-air.
The results are
Repeatedly the same.

Anguish, darkness,
Madness. Oh! The
Bile that rises in
Your throat; how
Your stomach churns.

I saw it coming.
I unsuccessfully
Tried to hide my
Fears and tears,
But, all to no avail.

The pressure keeps
Pushing me down.
I even pray for
The earth to open
Up and swallow me.

He has pierced me
With confused fury.
And he has fused
All my nights into
Fevered daydreams.

My solace is not gold
I breathe him in with
Every sigh I take. He
Is bane to my lungs,
The anger in my eyes.

To give everything
To the dirt which
Has nothing is
Futility in the fullest
Sense of the word.

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