
21 March 2015


The questions are here...again. As always, I'm gonna try my best to answer them.
Question 1 : How will I know she has strong feelings for me when she hasn't told me?
Answer 1 : First of all, what makes you think she has strong feelings for you? What exactly do you mean by "strong feelings"? I'm assuming you mean if she loves you...And I really hope that's what you mean. There's no guaranteed way to know if a person really loves you. It depends on her. Pay close attention to her body language. How she acts when she's around you. The way she talks and looks at you. Beware if she's that way around other could be that's just the way she is. By the way, why do you want to know? Do you love her?
Question 2 : Is it right to date someone older than me?
Answer 2 : Love has no barrier. Right. But unfortunately, the answer to that question is "it depends ”. Will it be okay for both of you? And how about your family and friends? Can you withstand the pressure? If you really love each other and you can face any challenge, goodluck!
Question 3 : Should I accept her back after she rendered abuses on me and stole my money?
Answer 3 : Accept her back? That would mean you broke up and she wants back in? If you are honest (and you should be), she did steal your money and rendered abuses on you. Take time and ask yourself what you want. Can you forgive her? If you can, accept her back. Ofcourse, that's if you love her. But if you can't forgive her and you don't love her, please my brother, spare both yourselves the emotional trauma and move on.
Question 4 : Her best friend is having a serious crush on me, she cares and loves me more than my girl friend confused; what should I do?
Answer 4 : How do you know her best friend cares and loves you more than your girlfriend does? Do you compare both of them? If you leave her now for her bestfriend, what makes you think you won't later leave her bestfriend for another person? I think you should try and spice up your relationship. Concentrate on it and help it grow...if you really love your girlfriend. If there's something she isn't doing right, talk to her about it.
Question 5 : I caught my girlfriend sleeping with my best friend. She said she was drugged. My friend never accepted the accusation...Now I'm confused. Should I end the relationship and move on?
Answer 5 : You caught them red-handed? That must have been traumatic for you. Your friend never accepted the accusation of having drugged your girlfriend...ofcourse, he wouldn't, even if he's guilty. How does your girlfriend know she was drugged? That would mean she was raped. Did she go for a drug-test? Did she report the matter to the police? I'd say do an accurate investigation and make your decision from there.
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