
5 August 2016

Where My Heart Is - Part Two

I look back in the hunk's direction, but he isn't there. My eyes do a quick search and I spot him at the reception desk. Lifting up her head from her chair, the receptionist smiles sheepishly and blinks with green light. I don't blame her; no lady would see him and not trip.

Her eyes glow with fire as he smiles at her. That smile, again. A smile accompanied by a shiny set of white teeth. A smile which causes your sorrows to stand still for a while. A smile so dreamy that you just want to get lost in it. With that kind of smile on your face, the goddess of divine retribution would forgive you. 

From how they are interacting, it's clear that they know each other. He hands over the gym membership card to the receptionist. I can tell what it is, because I had been offered same upon my arrival, which I had declined. She swipes the card on a reader, and nods in approval. Right before he leaves her desk, she whispers into his ears. 

I am silently throwing shade at her. A woman shouldn't shamelessly flirt that way with a man. Women like her make men feel like gods. I covertly glare at her and I have no idea why it bothers me so much. I'm not sure how many minutes passed by, while I fumed with rage. By the time I finally pinch myself back to reality, I can't find the hunk again. 

It's the receptionist's fault and I wish I can slap the hell out of her. If she hadn't disrupted the good time I was having, I wouldn't have taken my eyes off of him. Again, I conduct a quick search with my eyes for him, all to no avail. 'Work It' is a large gym facility. There are about 4 floors above me and he can be just anywhere. 

I don't know where to begin my search; moreover, I'm not a registered member so I cannot go above the ground floor of the building. Out of anger at myself for losing focus of what I came here to do, I storm out of the building. I can't believe that after every ordeal I've been through in the hands of men, I'm jealous over a stranger. 

At the car park, I am literally dragging my feet as they have refused to carry me any further. I am fighting with myself, so I don't go back into 'Work It'. Now that I'm outside, I take time to survey the building. Due to the stress and hassle I went through before I got here, I hadn't taken a look around the building. 

Immediately I decide to look around, my feet become at ease. The distance is really far from where I came from. Why do I suddenly want to take a look around this building? Am I looking for an excuse to return here, now that I know the hunk is a member of the gym club? 

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Where My Heart Is - Part One 

Swim With Me Tonight 

Ten-Word Story 6 

Those Voices In My Head 

My Harvest 

Ten-word Story 5 

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