
2 July 2016

It Starts With Curiosity - Part 9

While everybody looked up at her amazed, her mother-in-law thundered, 'What are these things we should know? Are you finally pregnant?' As the words repeatedly rang in her ears, she bowed her head in shame. A war of words started between Momma and her mother-in-law, which subsequently ensued between both families. When her husband couldn't stand the ruckus anymore, he let out a loud scream and called everyone to order. Instantaneously, peace reigned.

On her knees, she let out a loud, doleful wail as she apologized duly to everyone by and by. Most times, she spoke through sobs and was inaudible. Hence, she had to repeat herself over and over again.

To Momma, she was sorry for having caused her attempted suicide. To her in-laws, she was sorry for her inopportuned efforts at being a good daughter-in-law. To her siblings, she was sorry for her absence in their lives. To her husband, she was sorry for her refusal to seek medical attention. She promised to go for a check up, be a good wife, daughter, sister, and daughter-in-law.

It was an extremely emotional moment as her mother-in-law was surprisingly the first to hug her and big tears rolled down her cheeks. Momma couldn't utter a word, so she wept and wept. Her siblings and in-laws patted her on the back, as a sign of acceptance. Her husband was the last to walk up her - all he did was kissed her and she was immediately at peace. As they all encircled her, she heaved a sigh of relief when everyone pledged their forgiveness to her.

She served them meals and the previously morose atmosphere changed to that of merriment. After everyone had eaten to their full, they left with smiles on their faces. Later that day, she told her husband that she'd like to talk to him in their bedroom. Her husband excitedly anticipated the discussion, because he felt it was the beginning of new things.

As he had expected, she once again apologized for her past behavior. She was terribly shaken and her husband could see that she was fully penitent. He gave her an affectionate warm embrace and painted her face with kisses; she couldn't help but respond. There and then, she performed her marital rites to her husband.

It was different at that time from the former rites they had performed, because of the joy in their hearts. They were exhausted, so they rested and sleep took them both. At about midnight, her husband woke up to ease himself and he couldn't believe what his eyes met.

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It Starts With Curiosity - Part 8

Expectation vs Reality

Voices In My Head

Life Can Be So Hard 

It Starts With Curiosity - Part 7

It Starts With Curiosity - Part 6

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