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7 June 2016

When There's Pain, But No Gain

Often, no matter how hard the struggles are, hope (even the teeniest of it) keeps us going. The hope that we'll smile at the end of the tears keeps us fighting.

Pain could be a result of a break-up, lost job, grief, etc. Examples include being dumped by an ex after years of being together, being sacked from a job after years of hardwork, losing a child to the cold hands of death after training him to the university level, etc.

As humans, we expect gain from pain. When this doesn't happen, we trip. Some of us trip so bad that the road back to stand on their feet is extremely far.

As soon as we realize that the road to getting back on our feet is far, we automatically give up. We lose all hope to keep on fighting the good fight, and we get stuck at wherever we tripped.

During these hard times, there might be no one to comfort us. And even if there's someone to comfort us, we always connect easily with people who have passed through the same situation as ours.

Anything other that this is considered not enough, because we believe they don't know exactly how we feel. We sometimes fail to appreciate those willing to stand by us and console us, whether they understand how we feel or not.

It's okay to feel alone. But, look towards the light shining at the end of the tunnel. Look upon your trials as steps on a staircase which you have to climb to get to your room. Above all, believe that there's a God who can let you trip, but He'll never let you fall.

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Untold Mistakes - Part 1

Untold Mistakes - Part 2 

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