
16 May 2016

When People Disappoint You

One of the situations I hate finding myself in, is when people refuse to do something for me. That thing is always something I don't know how to do.

It tears me apart. It makes me want to go insane. It makes frustrated. It makes me helpless. Badly helpless. 

You know that kind of situation where you need help and someone just throws it at your face - I can do it, but I won't. 

It's always subtle, but loud. It's always indirect, but clear enough for you to read the signs. If the person is extremely bad ass, he/she just tells you straight up - I can do it, but I won't. 

I find myself in these kinds of situations almost everyday. The difference is, now I can handle it. I don't let it get to me. If it does somehow get to me, I let it in. I accept within me that yes, that's something I don't know how to do.

That's always the first step. After that, I challenge myself to learn how to do that thing. If I fail, I keep on trying. While trying, I approach other people who can do it for help. In the end, if I still can't do it, I let it go.

I just let it go. What more can I do? I'm only human. I tell myself that that thing wasn't meant for me to learn and I move on. 

According to my favorite person, life in this body is short. I will not live this short life beating myself up over something I've got no control over. Neither should you. 

People are going to disappoint you. Your expectations aren't always going to be met. You will be let down. A lot. Over and over again. That is life. Move on.