
24 May 2016


You know what no one wants to talk about?
I will talk about it. Let me talk about hate.
I know all about hate. It starts in your gut....deep down.
There, it stirs and churns. And then, it rises.
Hate rises, fast and volcanic.
It erupts, hot on the breath.
Your eyes go wild with fire.
You clench your teeth so hard, you think they'll shatter.
I hate you.
Oh, don't tell me you haven't said those words before. I know you have.
We all have.
Probably not orally, but somewhere inside you.
There's at least this one person whose actions you despise.
No, you don't hate the person. You hate the person's character.
I'm sure that's what you'll say. Well, tell you what, hate is hate.