
11 November 2015

I Want To Write

I want to write about the end of all unspeakable deeds which are carried out in the name of religion. I want to write about the fall of corrupted government.

I want to write about 10,000 birds who compose an Internationally recognised anthem. I want to write stories of lovers who have never experienced pain; I often wonder if such exists.

I want to write about the world being unconstrained from the pangs of natural disasters. I want to write about the death of hunger in developing countries.

I want to write about a world where the colour of your skin doesn't matter. I want to write about a world where everyone lives together in peace. A world where brotherly love reigns.

I want to write about the entry of Christ into Liverpool in 1966, by Adrain Henri. I want to write every random thought that crosses my mind, and how insane they are.

I want to write about how much I love my works and how they're a greater part of me. I want to write about how much I wish I could really write about all of the above!

But, how can I? Please tell me. No matter how I wish, I really can't write about them. Look around you and tell me how it is possible. Wait, what? Yes, you and I can make it possible.

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