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23 October 2015

Don't Worry

Don't worry if your lover
Does not treat you right.
Come with me, every piece
I write will bear your name.

Don't worry if your parents
Do not like me. We'll find an
Abode under fern leaves,
Where they'll never find us.

Don't worry if I can't afford a
Three-square meal. I will write
More and publish all my works;
We'll have more than enough.

Don't worry about those cheats
In the government. Soon, they'll
Be overthrown and the country
Will be governed by you and I.

Don't worry about what people
Will say. We will rule with our
Heads held high; nobody will
Dare to slander our names.

Don't worry about inflation.
Soon, poems will become
International currency and
We'll buy all we want to buy.

Don't worry for the poor.
There will be involuntary
Euthanasia for those who
Are afflicted by poverty.

Don't worry for the homeless.
They will be given shelter and
Of course, they will also be
Well-taken care of by you and I.

Don't worry for the wicked.
We will try to fight off evil
With good. And if that doesn't
work out well, so help us God.

Don't worry because of the
Rain. The streets will be covered
By beautiful rose flowers all in
The shades of your best colour.

Don't worry because of the evil
That is in this world. You will
Be protected by grace and no
Evil shall befall you in any way.

So, don't worry because we'll
Not have any kind of challenge.
Everything is going to be okay
With us, today and tomorrow.

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