
19 September 2015

Trying To Sleep

A cow mews.
A dog barks.

A car shifts
Gears as i shift
Sides on my bed.
A baby wails.

A bird hoots,
Wind blows,
Trees rustle,
Twigs fall off.

Roaring cheers
About a TV match.
Oh, how I curse

A bunch of teens
Giggle away, a 
Door bangs in
The hallway.

Soft taps of rain,
Thunder roars.
Unshut windows
And latches rattle.

A medley of 
Noises. A pillow 
Atop my ears, 
I try to rest.

I cover my ears,
A feeble attempt
At decibel-arrest,
All to no avail.

I want to scream 
At the world and
Its noises of all 
Kinds and creed.

Can someone let 
The world know,
I am desperately
Trying to sleep.