
9 March 2015


Every now and then, I see love posts on social networks. Sounds sweet, doesn't it? It makes you happy when your partner makes you feel special.
However, what I can't comprehend is why there's a "you know yourself" or a "you know who you are" attached to it.
For examples,
*"I love you, babe. You know yourself".
* "She's the best thing that has ever happened to me. You know who you are.".
*"My man takes good care of me. You know yourself ".
Seriously? What does that even mean?
Maybe you don't want the public to know who you're dating. Atleast, not yet.
Are you a celebrity? If you answered yes to that question, I'd try to understand. From your point of view, that is. Notwithstanding, there are celebrities that have boldly stated whom they are dating.
And oh, 'celebrity' here means 'a person who has a high degree of recognition by the general population; a famous person'.
Note by the general population. Not in your family, church, school or locality. Most people think they're celebrities when thirty(30) people know them. Some even think they're celebrities when they associate with celebrities. It's not bad to dream big....I'm just saying. You're not a celebrity...not yet.
People will comment:
* "Who is she"?
*" Who's the lucky guy"?
Yet, there'll be no straight answer to any of these questions. Your partner won't mention your name. Not at all.
For goodness' sake, it's not a movie. Who do you want to put in suspense?
Oh, Yakky. Don't be like that. I know he/she loves me. There's really no need for him/her to add my name there. I know it's addressed to me.
Were you thinking that?
Well, I'm so sorry. Not to be a killjoy or anything of the sort...but, make an in depth of your relationship. In three words, SHINE YOUR EYES.
If you and your partner have agreed to keep the relationship on low-key, due to personal reasons, it's okay. If not, this is a bad sign. A very bad sign.
Probably, your partner is cheating on you. How can he/she publicly address you? Your partner dare not type your name on that post. Not when his/her other lover(s) are on that social network. Or friends of his/her other lover(s). If it's a lover, you're lucky, kind of. It could be worse, lovers.
Or it could be that your partner is operating from a place of uncertainty. He/she isn't sure if you're 'the one'. Meanwhile, we all want to be the one, the last one. If your partner is uncertain about your position in his/her life, hmmmm. This is a talk for another day.
It's possible that your partner is just doing that for no reason. Maybe he/she doesn't even expect you to be bothered by it. If you aren't bothered by it, (and you should be bothered) you can keep quiet and decide to overlook it. It's up to you.
I'm giving it to you raw. Not sugar-coated. That's the way it is. May the odds-on ever be in your favor. Amen?
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