
18 March 2015


It's something different today...
I received some e-mails from men and below are their questions.
This is my first attempt at this...I'm going to try my best to answer them...
If you have questions about love, life and relationships, forward them to
Also, like and invite your friends to like my facebook page " Yakky's Random Musings ".
And now on with the show...
Question 1 : Hi Yakky, I caught a lady looking down below my waist. This isn't the first time it has happened. Why do women do this?
Answer 1 : A lot of guys seem to have this idea in their minds that women are sexless Grecian statues. But it's not so. Women actually LIKE looking at men. I'm not saying women are as overwhelmingly visual as guys are.
But if a woman was checking out your package it's because . . .
Well, because she probably liked how the rest of you looked and wanted to see if you "Measured Up" to whatever thoughts were running through her mind at that time.
Or maybe your fly was unzipped.
Question 2: I'm in love with my 24 year old stepdaughter. How do I get her to fall in love with me? I know that she loves me with all her heart as a daughter loves a father.
Answer 2 : You know she loves you with all her heart as a daughter loves a father? Do you really know that? If she's your stepdaughter, it means you're married to her mother, right? You want to 'have' both of them? Hmmmm. What you're feeling isn't love, it's lust. This is an extraordinarily creepy idea you have in your head. Seriously. This will never happen and this SHOULD never happen.
Question 3 : Should I use the words 'children' and 'marriage' a lot in discussion with my girlfriend?
Answer 3 : Depends what you're going for. If you want to marry her, sure. But if you're just using it as a tactic to get in her pants, beware of karma... it'll backfire eventually.
Question 4 : There's this new lady that has been employed where I work. How should I dress to impress her? Gold cross pen and pencil? Faux gold rolex?
Answer 4: Gold cross pen and pencil? Really? Are you on the Jersey Shore? No bling necessary and definitely don't wear a fake rolex. If she finds out she'll just mock you. Be yourself. Generally, women like it when a guy cares about his appearance. Dress modestly.
Question 5 : I'm always good yet I get  bad and selfish girls. So right now I want to become bad. Girls always treat me bad...only to collect things from me and go away. I think changing to be bad will worth it. I was innocent and I got used. When I love, I give myself out and don't hide anything or lie. Do you know I even give my ATM card to my girlfriend? Girls can be wicked. I have been there for them, did everything for them, was real,dated them and never slept with them cos I didn't just believe in dat. Yakky, what did I get? Am I the only one dat should suffer? There are  very very selfish girls around. They think only of themselves. Where are the good girls?
Answer 5 : sound very bitter, and that's understandable. Not all girls are wicked. There are good girls out there....just that they are rare...very rare. Seems you're on a revenge mission. Imagine what would happen if we all did same? Relationships aren't easy. The last person to forgive and forget hurts the most...don't be that person. I'm sure there's a girl out there for you. Good luck!
Question 6 : Should I date my bestfriend?
Answer 6 : Sure, there's nothing wrong with dating your bestfriend...if only she feels the same way towards you. If you aren't sure about your feelings, don't make a'll damage your friendship.
What do you think? Have something to add? Please do so at the comments' section. Help a brother.
Kindly like my facebook page now for more. Here is the link