Dear reader, welcome to my abode. It's so good to have you here. I hope you enjoy your stay.

9 August 2016

What Will You Gain?

You that rejoices over another's downfall,
You that prays for another's ill-luck,
You that loves them not, but hates them all,
You that does anything to get a buck.

5 August 2016

Where My Heart Is - Part Two

I look back in the hunk's direction, but he isn't there. My eyes do a quick search and I spot him at the reception desk. Lifting up her head from her chair, the receptionist smiles sheepishly and blinks with green light. I don't blame her; no lady would see him and not trip.

3 August 2016

Where My Heart Is - Part One

Seated on his clean-shaven face is a small nose, perfectly aligned in-between sparkling brown eyes. He is a tall and muscular man, with a charismatic appearance. He has pale, red lips and pointy ears. He's dressed in a black hooded long-sleeve sweatshirt, grey sweat shorts and black canvas sneakers.

2 August 2016

Swim With Me Tonight

Swim with me tonight 
until we get to the deepest 
part of this ocean. 

31 July 2016

Those Voices In My Head

Those voices in my head,
The ones I told you about,
The ones that took your stead,
The ones that filled me with doubt.

26 July 2016

24 July 2016

18 July 2016

13 July 2016

Haiku 1

A man sells yoghurt,
a child runs around playing;

On Correction

These days, you can't even correct some people, because you're automatically regarded as green with envy.

11 July 2016

9 July 2016


Within the twinkle of an eye, 
Friendship can become sour
Like an okra soup not heated. 

Like a yoghurt gone bad,
Within the twinkle of an eye 
Friendship can become sour.

Friendship can become sour
Within the twinkle of an eye,
Like lovers become haters.

Photo source :

Those Moments 

Risk Taker 

Some Nights... 

I Am Green 

It Starts With Curiosity - Finale 

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7 July 2016

Those Moments

Be careful of those moments
When you are about to speak
When you are angry at a friend

6 July 2016

Some Nights...

There will be nights 
When sleep eludes you.
On those nights, you'll 
Lay on your bed, tossing.

5 July 2016

Risk Taker

I've always been

I Am Green

People see green and think about nature. 
Green is regarded the only color of nature. 

How about the sunset and sunrise colors? 
How about the downpour and mist colors?

How about colors of dry leaves and earth? 
How about colors of birds and fishes? 

How about colors of insects and reptiles? 
How about colors of oceans and mud? 

How about the colors of the rainbow? 
How about colors of various flowers? 

Can you decipher the color of the wind? 
Can you paint the color of lightning? 

Nature is everywhere, you just don't see her. 
I am Green, but I'm only a part of nature. 

Photos source : YakekponoAbasi Adams

It Starts With Curiosity - Finale 

The Sound Of Your Name


Money And You 

When You Succeed... 

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4 July 2016

It Starts With Curiosity - Finale

Right there in the center of the room hung her cadaver, suspended by a rope. He stared at it incredulously and rushed to bring it down.

2 July 2016

The sound Of Your Name



I really love this quote.

Money And You

Don't you think

When You Succeed...

You feel this too, right?

My Head


It Starts With Curiosity - Part 9

While everybody looked up at her amazed, her mother-in-law thundered, 'What are these things we should know? Are you finally pregnant?' As the words repeatedly rang in her ears, she bowed her head in shame. A war of words started between Momma and her mother-in-law, which subsequently ensued between both families. When her husband couldn't stand the ruckus anymore, he let out a loud scream and called everyone to order. Instantaneously, peace reigned.

On her knees, she let out a loud, doleful wail as she apologized duly to everyone by and by. Most times, she spoke through sobs and was inaudible. Hence, she had to repeat herself over and over again.

To Momma, she was sorry for having caused her attempted suicide. To her in-laws, she was sorry for her inopportuned efforts at being a good daughter-in-law. To her siblings, she was sorry for her absence in their lives. To her husband, she was sorry for her refusal to seek medical attention. She promised to go for a check up, be a good wife, daughter, sister, and daughter-in-law.

It was an extremely emotional moment as her mother-in-law was surprisingly the first to hug her and big tears rolled down her cheeks. Momma couldn't utter a word, so she wept and wept. Her siblings and in-laws patted her on the back, as a sign of acceptance. Her husband was the last to walk up her - all he did was kissed her and she was immediately at peace. As they all encircled her, she heaved a sigh of relief when everyone pledged their forgiveness to her.

She served them meals and the previously morose atmosphere changed to that of merriment. After everyone had eaten to their full, they left with smiles on their faces. Later that day, she told her husband that she'd like to talk to him in their bedroom. Her husband excitedly anticipated the discussion, because he felt it was the beginning of new things.

As he had expected, she once again apologized for her past behavior. She was terribly shaken and her husband could see that she was fully penitent. He gave her an affectionate warm embrace and painted her face with kisses; she couldn't help but respond. There and then, she performed her marital rites to her husband.

It was different at that time from the former rites they had performed, because of the joy in their hearts. They were exhausted, so they rested and sleep took them both. At about midnight, her husband woke up to ease himself and he couldn't believe what his eyes met.

Photo Source :


It Starts With Curiosity - Part 8

Expectation vs Reality

Voices In My Head

Life Can Be So Hard 

It Starts With Curiosity - Part 7

It Starts With Curiosity - Part 6

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24 June 2016